Wednesday, January 24, 2018

5A - Identifying Local Opportunities

Opportunity 1:
Title: Tesla pegs Elon Musk pay to performance
Description: The chief executive of Tesla will receive no form of compensation if the company and its shareholders don't do well.
Problem: The chief executive gets absolutely nothing if the company does not perform well, his entire paycheck is at risk
Who has problem: Elon Musk, chief executie of Tesla

Opportunity 2:
Title: Freight gets more scrutiny
Description: The Transportation Security Administration now requires more screening of cargo coming to the U.S. from Egypt, the UAE, Qatar, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.
Problem: A threat of terrorism has caused the TSA to take action
Who has problem: The United States Transportation Security Administration

Opportunity 3:
Title: Opioid bill advances in House despite some doctors' worries
Description: The House of Representatives approved a bill that is supposed to combat opioid abuse, even though doctors protests due to needing longer prescriptions
Problem: Patients will have to spend significantly more money on frequent refills due to prescription times being shortened
Who has problem: Doctors and patients that have to travel or deal with chronic pain issues

Opportunity 4:
Title: A1A work a hazard to those on foot - Hollywood asks state for remedy
Description: The A1A in Hollywood is being redesigned so that the road can be safer, however the process has made it more dangerous.
Problem: The removal of turning lanes and medians and crosswalks being far apart has made it unsafe
Who has problem: Drivers and Pedestrians

Opportunity 5:
Title: National parks services limited due to shutdown
Description: The government shutdown has led to limited staffing at National Parks which leaves some services closed.
Problem: Park staffing will be limited and visitors engaging in park activities do so at their own risk
Who has problem: National Parks in Florida


  1. Brachari, great job completing the assignment! I was unaware that the recent Government shutdown led to National Parks closing. How interesting and sad. Also, I certainly hope things work out for Elan Musk and his work at Tesla! Big risks can go one of two ways I suppose. He definitely has a high tolerance for risk taking doesn't he? Quite the Entrepreneur. Keep up the good work!

  2. Brachari, great job on this assignment really well done with details of every story. I can't believe they shut down national parks because of the government shutting down that is crazy and didn't even know that could happen. The Tesla article is cool showing the CEO will not benefit if the company doesn't do well great incentive to do well there haha.
