- To keep up with the requirements of this course, working ahead was something that I became very familiar with. Since most of the assignments require you to really think about an unmet need and way to fulfill that need, it took time to formulate such ideas. I would read the assignment descriptions during the beginning of the week, and use the middle of the week to really think about and solidify those ideas. This time also included things such as interviews to help get the feedback that was needed. I believe that working ahead is the key to keeping up with this classes requirements.
2. Talk about a moment or two when you felt like "giving up"? What pulled you through? Do you feel like you've developed a tenacious attitude over the past two months? What experience(s) most contributed to this?
- I felt like giving up during this semester when I learned of my mother suffering a mild heart attack and being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I went into a period of depression in which I was not motivated to get anything done. What pulled me through this tome was the recurring thought that she wants to see me succeed here at school, and within life. Keeping this mind, I began to work again as I had done once before. This experience has made me even more tenacious than I was before because now I feel as though absolutely nothing will get in my way of becoming successful.
3. What are three tips you would offer next semester's students about (1) fostering the skills of tenacity and (2) developing the 'tenacious mindset'?
- To foster the skills of tenacity, you must first find your reason for doing whatever it is that needs to be done. Once you find that reason, let it be a constant reminder and motivator to keep you going. Secondly, you must learn to face and accept failure. It's bound to happen, especially in trying to be an entrepreneur. Your ability to bounce back from these failures is what will foster your tenacity. Lastly, don't overwork yourself. Working hard is important, but too much of anything is bad for a person. Take some time to relax and destress so that yo don't become overwhelmed.